Children’s Hospital
Our assignment was not only to design, value-engineer, and fabricate the steel, we imported IMP from Spain, provided all doors and windows, along with drywall, studs, sinks, and even toilets. To make it even more challenging, the client needed everything shipped on one-single vessel, almost 200 containers. We had to assemble all the steel, panels, and accessories in a warehouse we rented in order to package and ship all materials at once. All this occurred within 6 months from start to finish, that’s some special coordination!
Great work starts with collaboration.
In a successful partnership, a state-of-the-art children’s hospital was born, in just ONE year!
Allied Steel Buildings is extremely proud to have played a significant role in the development of the 310,000-square-foot prefabricated children’s hospital, which will provide over 160 beds for the children of Maringa, in the state of Parana, Brazil. The city was in desperate need of a new hospital — with existing ones constantly over capacity.
Our client, an international organization that fosters global economic, social, cultural, political and sustainable developments, reached out to Allied Steel Buildings with an astounding proposition: to design, fabricate, and deliver the Hospital Da Crianca de Maringa in record time. The project completion was timely, as the COVID-19 pandemic added extreme pressure on Maringa’s already overcrowded hospitals.
Everything But The Kitchen Sink!
The task seemed daunting at first because our client not only wanted Allied to quickly design, fabricate, consolidate and deliver this massive hospital (the size of over seven baseball stadiums!), but they also asked Allied to import insulated panels from overseas and provide all doors, windows, drywall, studs, sinks, and toilets. In other words: a tight timeline + a purpose-driven project (a children’s hospital) + extensive supply-chain and logistics requirements = a job for an experienced steel building manufacturer who was capable and willing to go the extra mile to get the job done.
Allied’s reputation preceded them, our client had high expectations. Once they completed the initial assessments, our client and Allied immediately aligned on the vision. Allied had the right team, values, and expertise to deliver.
We Hired A Container Ship!
The job had its challenges, such as the coordination and consolidation of hundreds of building material and accessory containers that needed to be stored, loaded, and delivered, all in a single vessel. However, Allied rose to the challenge and successfully delivered the project. The hospital is made up of 13 structures, connected by a central corridor, hosting pediatric intensive care units, a surgery center with 4 operating rooms, a teaching and research center for rare diseases, labs, imaging centers, a dialysis center, a pharmacy, and more.
These types of challenging and impactful projects are the backbone of our pride and success. Allied doesn’t just design and fabricate steel buildings; Allied partners with clients to turn their vision into a reality with high-quality building materials and unprecedented client service. Our client came to Allied not only because they recognized the advantages of steel construction, they recognized Allied’s reputation, experience, and commitment to excellence.
Dimensions: 16+ bldg
Total Square Footage: 310,000
Industry: Community

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We have a passion for unconventional solutions that bring your vision to life.