Need a Warehouse? Here’s Why It Needs to Be Steel

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Need a Warehouse? Here’s Why It Needs to Be Steel

Need a Warehouse? Here’s Why It Needs to Be Steel 1024 538 Steel Buildings | Allied Steel Buildings

steel warehouseOf the many significant elements involved with running a business or enterprise, no matter its size or location, few are more important than securing storage. Storage facilities and staging centers are paramount to the flow and dynamics of supply chains all around the world, so they must be durable, modular, and affordable. By choosing an Allied steel warehouse, you get all three and much more. Let us explain.

They Are Efficient and Safe

Steel can be designed, fabricated, and installed faster than just about any other building material on the market, making it ideal for companies that need storage options streamlined. A steel warehouse can be erected with minimal on-site labor in any season. What’s more, the maintenance required for the upkeep of steel structure is vastly lower than other materials. 

In fact, steel buildings have been known to stand for up to 20 years without requiring maintenance or major structural upkeep at all. This is due to decades of testing to create strict, accurate safety standards. Steel is well known for its resistance to fire, seismic activity, and inclement weather systems. It also protects a building’s interior contents from insects and water damage. The point is, once you choose to build a steel warehouse, you can be sure that you’ll have it in no time and will be able to use it for a lifetime.

steel buildingsThey Are Affordable

Steel warehouses are ideal for businesses looking to protect their bottom line. For many projects, the ease of designing with steel translates to lower overall engineering, manufacturing, and transportation costs. Beyond this, choosing a steel warehouse means taking advantage of other economic upsides, such as:

  • Lower foundation costs – Structural steel has a legendary strength to weight ratio, and its framing allows fewer points of contact with the earth, reducing the amount of excavation required.
  • Reduced labor hours – Prefab steel structures arrive on-site pre-cut and pre-drilled for easy assembly. 
  • Savings on operative downtime – Construction with steel occurs faster.
  • Reduced cost of maintenance – Steel is famous for remaining sturdy throughout years of wear and tear.
  • Future savings with modification or expansion – Steel framing systems are highly adaptable.

They Are Customizable and Flexible

Sure, other building materials can boast flexibility of design and add-ons, but not like steel. The unmatched modular qualities of steel are suited to meet the diverse storage needs of firms of every feather. Structural columns can be strengthened through the attachment of steel plates. Mezzanines and skylights can be put in with ease. Loading bays and service doors can be installed at a variety of entry points. What’s best is that all of this and more can be accomplished with little to no disruption of workflow.

Boost Your Business With An Allied Steel Warehouse

With Allied Steel Buildings, no warehouse design is too daunting. We excel in accomplishing pre-engineered steel building solutions for clients large and small. Come discover the Allied Steel difference and enjoy peace of mind that you can’t put a price on. To learn more, give us a call at 1-866-651-8116 or get a quote online to see what we can accomplish on your behalf.


About Allied

Allied Steel Buildings is a global manufacturer of steel buildings and structural steel solutions, offering best-in-class design, engineering and project management seamlessly integrated into our clients' processes. Our two manufacturing facilities, located in Texas and Spain, utilize cutting-edge technology, including robotics and automation, to ensure our manufactured materials set a new standard for quality in the industry. Since 2003, we have successfully delivered over 5,500 metal building projects across 72 countries, serving industries worldwide.