Steel Building Maintenance: How to Build for Extreme Weather

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Steel Building Maintenance: How to Build for Extreme Weather

Steel Building Maintenance: How to Build for Extreme Weather 150 150 Steel Buildings | Allied Steel Buildings

Using proper maintenance is important when considering your steel building’s integrity and longevity. Whether it’s a warehouse or a manufacturing facility, extreme weather such as hurricanes, tornadoes, deep freezes and high winds can all cause severe damage to steel buildings, despite proper prevention and structure. Using proper maintenance, such as inspecting the building’s structure, providing roof reinforcement, and preventing damage from debris, are all simple ways you can protect the integrity of your building. Here are some maintenance tips that you can use to protect steel buildings from severe weather.

Metal roof maintenance

Inspect the Structure

A qualified professional such as a building inspector can help catch potential causes for damage during extreme weather. Even if you feel you can notice problems yourself, there are many small problems that may be missed by a layman that can cause bigger issues later. A professional may identify rust, flaking paint, or loose fasteners as a potential hazard. Seemingly small problems such as these can cause quick deterioration and compromise the integrity of the building, making damage more likely. If you want to save yourself a big headache later, getting a professional opinion will help to minimize the margin of error. Inspectors will make recommendations for repairs and estimate costs depending on the geographic location and the building’s overall design.

If you’re interested in giving the building an additional look yourself, there are signs that become evident on the interior of the building that can be used to identify damage. Looking for these signs, such as stains and peeling paint, water spots, and places where daylight is entering in tightly-sealed areas, can help you to identify and fix problems prior to the appearance of the severe water.

Roof Reinforcement

Roof Reinforcement

Steel roofing is more resistant to damage from wind than many other materials. However, adding additional reinforcements will further decrease the possibility of damage against high winds. Building owners in areas that are frequented by hurricanes, tropical storms, high winds, or tornadoes should be especially aware of these reinforcements. This instantaneous or repetitive exposure to high winds makes buildings even more variable to damage. An example of providing roof reinforcement includes making sure that gable ends are built securely, with appropriate braces and fasteners to guard against uplift from the high winds.

Preventing Damage from Debris

Items left unsecured around buildings may become flying projectiles during extreme weather. Items such as patio furniture, tree limbs, flower planters and yard signs may be picked up by strong winds and carried towards the building with the possibility of penetrating the exterior. Securing unsecured items prior to severe weather is essential to protecting your building. Do a quick check of the parking lot and lawn, while also looking at trees for loose limbs.

If one of these objects does penetrate the building, water may enter the building, causing water damage, electrical issues, or injury to those inside. Reduce the risk for flying projectiles during storms by trimming trees and securing outdoor furniture prior to storms.

Hurricanes and tornadoes are an especially important time to secure these items. Although these types of weather disturbances are common in many areas, by maintaining precautions to prevent airborne hazards, building owners can protect their buildings and prevent further damage.

How to Proceed

Whether you own a warehouse in tornado alley or a distribution center in Florida, it is both important and possible to protect your building from all types of extreme weather. If you’re interested in learning more about steps you can take to protect from damage during weather-related events, contact your local Allied Steel Buildings representative to learn more.

About Allied

Allied Steel Buildings is a global manufacturer of steel buildings and structural steel solutions, offering best-in-class design, engineering and project management seamlessly integrated into our clients' processes. Our two manufacturing facilities, located in Texas and Spain, utilize cutting-edge technology, including robotics and automation, to ensure our manufactured materials set a new standard for quality in the industry. Since 2003, we have successfully delivered over 5,500 metal building projects across 72 countries, serving industries worldwide.