Metal Building Bolts: Tightening & Types

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Metal Building Bolts: Tightening & Types

Metal Building Bolts: Tightening & Types 150 150 Steel Buildings | Allied Steel Buildings

Metal buildings have many applications, ranging from residential to industrial. Consider the following possibilities:

  • Aviation: Steel buildings are frequently used as hangars for planes and helicopters to protect them from the elements.
  • Commercial: The right steel building can be anything from rentable self-storage to a framework for retail businesses.
  • Agricultural: Wooden barns might be the traditional imagery, but many farms now use metal buildings for their livestock.
  • Religious: A congregation looking to gather and worship on a budget might use a steel building as a meeting place.
  • Residential: A steel building on your property can serve as place to store possessions and vehicles or even be a workspace.
  • Fitness Center: Whether it’s an indoor basketball court, a workout circuit, or a general gym, a steel building can be a place for fitness buffs.


Bolt Tightening in Metal Buildings

Every warehouse or metal building uses bolts. Regardless of whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or a professional contractor, you know that bolts are essential to the very nature of a metal building. Bolts make physical connections with framing members, be they primary or secondary. Having said that, there are a variety of bolts that can be used. It’s crucial to know the differences involved with bolt tightness since an installer is personally responsible for making sure that every bolt has proper tightness.

Metal Building

Turn of Nut Tightening With Pre-Tensioned Bolts

If construction drawings don’t specifically indicate it, then turn of nut tightening isn’t something that has to involve hardened washers being used. Every bolt should be installed with its washer positioned in a very particular way. Head or nut rotation needs to be applied to every fastener assembly in the overall joint, and this should progress from the joint’s most rigid part where pre-tensioned bolts are at a minimal point of relaxation.

Snug-Tight Metal Building Bolts

In layman’s terms, a snug-tight is a state where a contractor makes sure a bolt can’t be removed manually by hand. Every bolt hole needs to be aligned in such a way that a bolt can be inserted free of thread damage. Bolts need to be put into every hole with threaded nuts and washers in order to finish an assembly. Compacting a joint into a snug-tight state is something that should systematically progress from the joint’s most rigid part. The state of snug-tightening is a condition of tightness generated with either an impact wrench being used several times or also possibly an ironworker’s full effort when employing a conventional spud wrench. Either should result in frim contact among the connected piles.

If you are having a hard time imagining the scenario above, consider this more visual description. Basically, you install a snug-tight bolt much like you would a lug nut on your vehicle’s wheels. For instance, every lug nut gets turned to the point that it can’t turn anymore. Then, the pattern gets cycled through repetitions. It’s the same way with bolts. If snug tight bolts get used in your warehouse, then you won’t witness any loosening happening.

In Conclusion

The safety of any building frame relies on bolts being installed properly. Contact one of our Allied Steel Buildings project consultants if you want to talk to someone about a metal building project you are thinking of. If you have a building that’s already been delivered, yet you have some questions, then please reach out to your designated project consultant. If you just want to know more about steel buildings, then visit our website. 

About Allied

Allied Steel Buildings is a global manufacturer of steel buildings and structural steel solutions, offering best-in-class design, engineering and project management seamlessly integrated into our clients' processes. Our two manufacturing facilities, located in Texas and Spain, utilize cutting-edge technology, including robotics and automation, to ensure our manufactured materials set a new standard for quality in the industry. Since 2003, we have successfully delivered over 5,500 metal building projects across 72 countries, serving industries worldwide.