How to zombie-proof your garage

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How to zombie-proof your garage

How to zombie-proof your garage 1024 683 Steel Buildings | Allied Steel Buildings

This guide was created to help you prevent a garage invasion.

What Are The Different Types of Zombies?

How to you protect your garage from zombies?

How to choose a zombie proof garage door?

How to choose zombie proof garage walls?

If you’re wondering how to survive a zombie apocalypse, you’re not alone! What could be worse than being attacked by bloody, half dead walking scary creatures?! We are aware of the terror that a zombie apocalypse could bring to anyone, so we’ve pulled as much information as we could from zombie shows, zombie video games, and zombie movies, like The Walking Dead, Dawn of the Dead, 28 Days Later, World War Z, Last of Us, Land of the Dead, Warm Bodies, and others. This is what we learned about the different types of zombies you may have to face in a zombie apocalypse.

In order to zombie proof your garage, you must first understand the different types of zombies you may be up against, then find out what triggers them in order to get ahead of them, outwit the witless and defeat them. Good luck!

What Are The Different Types of Zombies?

Like I said, you first need to understand what you may be up against. Based on our extensive research, we’ve listed a few different types of zombies below:

Shuffler Zombies

Shufflers can be seen in The Walking Dead, Shaun of The Dead, & Night of The Living Dead. Shufflers are your typical zombies, slow sloppy brain eating fools who won’t give up the chase, even as they start to fall apart and lose body parts. These types of zombies, shufflers, are attracted by bright lights and sounds.

Runner Zombies

Runners, as seen in 28 Days Later, Zombieland, & Resident Evil, are supper fast, as the name says, runners. These zombies get a rush of energy, strength and endurance due to their rage hormones. Sadly, this is similar to the real-life bath-salt or PCP addicts.

Horde Zombies

Hordes, as seen in World War Z, are just dumb, sloppy zombies who travel in large groups. These zombies pile atop each other like a swarm to scale walls and even take down planes.

Bloater Zombies

Bloaters, as seen in Last Of Us, Left 4 Dead, & State of Decay, are massive zombies. These very large zombies are very strong and very hard to kill. As if it wasn’t bad enough that these massive beasts were practically impossible to kill, they also let out a spray of vomit or spores that infect everyone around them, or they simply explode. How crazy is that?! I certainly wouldn’t want this guy at my door step!

Intelligent Zombies

As you may have seen in Land of The Dead, Zombie with a Shotgun, & Warm Bodies, these are smart zombies. You may be thinking, “Intelligent zombies?! Are you kidding me?”. Unfortunately, I am not kidding. This is a zombie who has evolved and can actually problem solve, use tools intelligently, and lead other zombies, like a leader, or organizer. Believe me, I know what you’re thinking, “Aaargh!”

How to choose a zombie proof garage door?

Your garage is only as strong as its weakest point. Make sure to choose a garage door that can withstand the strongest zombie. Short of using a concrete door, Steel is probably your safest choice. How will you know whether it is or isn’t a strong door? Typically, doors are wind and/or fire rated. Choose the door with the highest wind and fire rating. This will be a good benchmark for determining your door’s strength. You may also want to reinforce the door from the inside with additional steel, just in case the bloaters come around with their brute strength.

How to choose zombie proof garage walls?

Again, your garage is only as strong as its weakest point. You don’t want those zombies to be able to bust though your walls or doors! Choose a strong material for your walls, something the bloaters won’t be able to bust through. Wood and concrete may crack, steel is a good choice. Remember, 24 gauge steel is better than 26 gauge steel, the lower the gauge the stronger the material and less likely that those zombies will be able to bust through.

How to you protect your garage from zombies?

Remember, now that you understand there are several different types of zombies, it’s important to keep in mind that not all tactics may work on all zombies equally. Let’s discuss a few different garage protection approaches.

Surround your garage with a fence.

This should work for the Shufflers & Runners but the Hordes, Bloaters & Intelligent Zombies will not let this stop them. The Shufflers and Runners are too dumb to figure out how to get over or under or even through the fence. The Hordes, however, will swarm and climb each other to get over that fence. The Bloaters will just stink-attack you and the Intelligent Zombies, well, they are smart enough to figure it out and use a ladder to get over the fence, snips to get through it, or dig to get under.

Create a moat around your garage.

At first glance, living on an island and creating a water barrier around your garage looks like it would be the perfect solution, buuuut, zombies don’t drown. They could actually walk along the bottom of the ocean if they wanted to, but it would take them a really long time to get around.

Build a nuclear shelter under your garage.

Taking shelter in a nuclear shelter seems like a great idea to me! The shufflers and Runners are too dumb to figure out how to get it. Same for the hordes. The leaders are intelligent but probably not intelligent enough to get into the shelter. Busting into a nuclear shelter would be tough even for the smartest live person. It’s the Bloaters I’d be worried about. They could attach you with their stink and vomit spray through the air holes. Those suckers ruin a great plan!

Raise your garage onto stilts.

Another great idea! The shufflers and runners, again, are too dumb to figure out how to get up. The hordes, however, can swarm and climb, the bloaters will simply knock you off your stilts, and the intelligent guys will climb up, one way or another. Failed attempt.

Surround your garage with fire.

This should work on most of the zombie types. The shufflers and runners are dumb enough to fall into your fiery pit, same for the bloaters. On the other hand, unless you have a massive fire pit surrounding your garage, the hordes may just pile on top of each other to get across and the intelligent zombies will be too smart to fall into the fire. A good idea, but not good enough.

Put your garage on wheels.

It’s a great idea to make your garage mobile so that you’d be able to escape the zombies when they came calling, but the runners are too fast and the intelligent zombies are too smart. Then there’s the fact that you won’t be able to stay on the run, you’ll have to stop for gas at times, and they will probably be waiting. Try again.

Enclose your garage in concrete.

Building a fortress by enclosing your garage in concrete certainly sounds like it would work. This attempt should work! However, no matter how well stocked you are, you will probably have to come out of that fortress at some point, at which point the zombies will be waiting for you.

Abandon your garage, fill it with distractions and live in a neighbor’s garage.

Eureka! This is the best trap of all! Fill your house with loud music and bright lights, making the zombies think someone lives there… lure them into your trap and live safely in a neighboring property. Yes! That would work great for most zombies, but the intelligent zombie may or may not be out-smarted by this plan.

Combine all of the above unto a fail proof plan.

With that said, it appears that all the plans discussed above would work wonderfully with one or a few of the different zombie types, but not all of them at once. So what better idea than to combine all of these great ideas into one master full proof plan? Put your garage on stilts, surrounded by water. Then surround your water mote with a fire pit. Create a bomb shelter below your stilt-garage with direct access from the stilt garage to the bomb shelter, so that you don’t have to expose yourself to the zombies when moving from one space to the other. Lastly, in case your garage gets knocked off its stilts and the water and fire don’t keep the zombies out, make sure to have wheels on the garage so you can at least attempt to get away on wheels.

Your zombie-safe garage needs to be planned out from every angle. Take this plan seriously and zombie-proof your garage to make none of the living dead breaks through. Good luck!

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Allied Steel Buildings is a global manufacturer of steel buildings and structural steel solutions, offering best-in-class design, engineering and project management seamlessly integrated into our clients' processes. Our two manufacturing facilities, located in Texas and Spain, utilize cutting-edge technology, including robotics and automation, to ensure our manufactured materials set a new standard for quality in the industry. Since 2003, we have successfully delivered over 5,500 metal building projects across 72 countries, serving industries worldwide.