How to Keep Your Warehouse Maintained

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How to Keep Your Warehouse Maintained

How to Keep Your Warehouse Maintained 150 150 Steel Buildings | Allied Steel Buildings

Imagine that you have a steel shed or garage in the backyard. Or maybe it is a warehouse in a commercial industry. Last week you noticed it was looking kind of run down, and now you found yourself here trying to figure what you’re supposed to do, to keep it in tip-top shape, or how to get it back in great shape.

Metal roof maintenance

Or maybe you are looking to get yourself a brand new metal building of some sort, and you want to know what can get done to keep it functional for the lengthiest amount of time possible.

The Great News About Metal Structures

Metal Structures

When compared to any other kind of building, metal buildings are the easiest to maintain. Metal buildings are more able to withstand natural disasters than other buildings, and they are fire-resistant too. And you need not worry about your metal buildings getting rotted through or having insects slowly chomping them down.

The durability of metal buildings is not a reason that you can neglect the maintenance aspect. If you forgot and neglected the maintenance of your metal building, something that once was a minor problem could grow into something disastrous. Maintenance of the building still allows you to relax like you usually would since keeping it maintained only takes a day or two out of every year. That is much less time involved than gardening!

11 Steps for a Healthier Metal Building

Below is just 11 easy steps to keeping your building in tip-top shape. Some of the steps are as easy as oiling hinges and tightening screws. Others may take a bit more work, like pressure washing the outside of your building. But, hey, just do it in the summer and get a nice, cool shower too!

1. Create a Checklist for all Your Maintenance Needs 

Whether you prefer paper or digital lists, it is easy to write down all the maintenance steps you need to do. Lists are nice because then your brain need not try and remember it all. Life gets complex, and trying to remember something that only needs to be done twice a year at most, is unnecessary.

Also, if you have it all written down and decide that you do not want to do the maintenance yourself that year, maybe you will not be in town that year, the list can just get handed over, and all is well.

2. Check around the Area Surrounding the Foundation of the Building

This is because rodents and maybe even dogs can dig, making holes that tunnel under the foundation of your building. If you find an animal hole, you can fill the spot in again. Maybe add some rocks to make it harder for the animal to dig in again.

3. Inspect the Area around the Building

Sometimes plants can pop up out of nowhere and can be hazardous to buildings. Steel buildings generally degrade, not from internal issues but from external force. Check around for bushes growing too close to the building or warehouse, roots growing too close, and tree branches hanging too close.

4. Double Check that the Interior and Exterior are as Should Be

Since a steel building is durable, they usually have very few or very minor problems. If you let the checking slide, and your building happens to be one of the few that gets an issue, too bad, too sad. It is better to just check.

Generally, this is a twice a year deal, once in the spring and once in the autumn. But, if it snows excessively, a check in the winter is recommended. The roof too, and if you check it during the winter, then keeping a snow rake might be a good idea.

5. Pressure Wash the Outside of the Building 

When the outside of your building has been left without being washed for a while, it can get gross. Dust, pollen, fungi, and bird droppings can collect on it. And, these things can eventually cause oxidation to occur. So wash it all off once a year or so.

6. Insulation Checking Time

Insulation is the primary source of retaining any heat in your steel building. Checking the insulation is quite simple. All you have to do is make sure that neither moisture nor animals caused any damage. Or if they did, to fix what they damaged. Also, make sure that any electrical hazards are taken care of safely.

7. Oil any Squeaky Hinges 

With any door, squeaks are annoying. But it is also not great for a door to be squeaky. Squeaks are the door telling you that they need help, and a bit of grease does the job. And when an overhead door starts telling you it needs help, it is wise to get on that right away.

8. Make Sure Windows And Doors are Sealed Properly

Almost any opportunity weather has of getting indoors, it will take. This can lead to mold growth when rain gets in and other water-related damage.

9. Check for Loose or Missing Screws

It is expected that your steel building will expand and contract with the weather. This movement of the building will cause the screws to loosen or even fall out. Loose or missing screws can lead to water damage, like the doors and windows not sealing right. So check around with a screwdriver and tighten or replace the screws that need help.

10. Scratch, Gouges, and Holes Need to Get Fixed Too

With life or business happening inside your house or warehouse, it is normal for the walls to get bumped or scratched. All you need to do is go around and find these spots and repair them.

11. Gutter Cleaning Time 

A gutter is prone to get full of debris such as leaves and dirt. And with all that gunk, it is possible rainwater could start spilling over the edges. Which is not what the gutters were installed for. Dirty gutters are of no help to your building, steel or otherwise.

After knowing what you now know, you should realize that your steel building is easy to maintain. All that is really needed is to watch for tiny problems and fix them before they grow into big problems. Steel buildings are the lowest cost building to maintain.

To learn more, call us here at Allied Steel Buildings at 1-877-997-8335, or check out our website. 


About Allied

Allied Steel Buildings is a global manufacturer of steel buildings and structural steel solutions, offering best-in-class design, engineering and project management seamlessly integrated into our clients' processes. Our two manufacturing facilities, located in Texas and Spain, utilize cutting-edge technology, including robotics and automation, to ensure our manufactured materials set a new standard for quality in the industry. Since 2003, we have successfully delivered over 5,500 metal building projects across 72 countries, serving industries worldwide.